
Sunday 16 June 2024

Not enough hours in the day


Not enough hours in the day

You know that feeling, when work is super busy, and you have housework to do, and you actually have to cook, eat and do basic self- care, but you still have the need to bead? Well that’s how I was feeling on Friday night. Work had been very intense for a couple of weeks, and I was just wrung out. I’m getting a kitten in a couple of weeks, so there’s preparation and kitten-proofing to do… but still, I needed to bead. My brain had definitely checked out, so I just let my fingers do the beading. The general aim was to make a circular pendant, I would have sworn up and down there were 12 gemduos in the centre… but I was obviously very tired, and there are only 11. So, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, and if my pendant were a clock, there wouldn’t be enough hours on that either! That’s how this pendant was born.

For the two examples I made, I used Miyuki seed beads, I’ll give the colour references at the end.

When I made the purple version, I used 3mm bicones in place of 2mm fire polish beads – it worked, but I didn’t feel like they sat quite right – it’s an alternative if you don’t have any 2mm fire polish in your stash!


What you’ll need to make this

A.      Size 11 seed beads (2g) 

B.      Size 11 seed beads (2g)

C.       Size 15 seed beads (3g)

D.      Size 15 seed beads (1g)

E.       Gemduo beads (11) (check that both holes are clear before starting)

F.       3mm fire polish beads (15)

G.      4mm fire polish beads (11)

H.      2mm fire polish beads (11)

I.         Chain and clasp


Anything else?

Beading needle (I use Miyuki)
Beading thread (I use fireline 0.10mm)
Bead mat

You'll probably need about a wingspan and a half of thread for this project, if you're comfortable working with a thread that long - go for it! If like me, you're recovering f
rom dislocating your shoulder, or you just prefer a shorter working thread, then you'll probably need to add a second thread part way through. 

1.       Pick up 1(A), 1(E), repeat 11 times. Go though all 22 beads again to form a ring, tie a double knot, go forward through your ring so that your thread is exiting an (E) and step up so that your thread is exiting the top hole of the gemduo.  You’ll notice here that you can see the thread along the side of the gemduo where you’ve stepped up, don’t worry, it’ll get hidden and you won’t be able to see it.  This is also the best time to weave in and cut off your tail thread.

2.       Pick up 1(F), go through the next top hole of the next (E). Repeat all the way around the ring, adding 11 3mm fire polish beads between the tops of the gemduos. Step up so that your thread is exiting from one of the gemduos.


3.       Pick up 4(C), go through the (A) between the gemduos and back up 2(C).


4.       Pick up 2(C) and go into the next gemduo. This makes a little Y shape of size 15 seed beads between the gemduos.


5.       Repeat steps 3 and 4 all the way around the pendant and step up so that your thread is exiting from a 3mm fire polish bead. You will find that the 3mm fire polish beads have been pushed to the back a little, and this is absolutely fine, so don’t worry!

6.       Pick up 4(B), go through the next (F), repeat all the way around the pendant. Step up so that your thread is exiting from the second (B) added in the first group of 4(B) added in this step.


7.       Pick up 1(B), go through the next 2(B), 1(F), 2(B). Repeat this all the way around the pendant, adding a point bead to the groups of 4(B). Step up so that your thread is exiting from the first (B) added in this step.


8.       Pick up 1(A), 1(G), 1(A), go through the next point (B). Repeat this all the way around the pendant. Do not pull tight in this step, there will be a bit of thread visible between the point (B) beads and the groups of 1(A), 1(G), 1(A), but it will be tightened up as we work through the next steps. Step up so that your thread is exiting from the first (G) added in this step on the reverse side of the pendant.


9.       We’re going to carry on working on the back of the pendant, and join the (F) and (G) beads together with little loops of 3(C) beads. Pick up 3(C), go through the (F) underneath the (G), pick up 3(C) and go through 1(G), 1(A), 1(B), 1(A), 1G).


10.   Repeat step 9 all the way around the pendant. Step up so that your thread is exiting from an (A) bead facing towards a (G).


11.   Use fairly light tension for this step, we will tighten it up in the following steps. Pick up 5(C), go through the (A) on the opposite side of the (G). Pick up 1(H), go through the next (A).


12.   Repeat step 11 all the way around the pendant, and step up so that your thread is exiting from the last (C) of the first group of 5(C) we added in step 11.


13.   Now we will increase the tension and ensure the loops of 5(C) sit around the outside edge of the pendant. Pick up 1(D), go through the (H). Pick up 1(D), go through the next 5(C). Repeat this all the way around the pendant. The ring of the pendant is now complete. Steps 14 onwards show how to make the bail – the part used to hang the pendant from a chain.


14.   With your thread exiting from the second (C) of a group of 5(C), pick up 1(B), 1(F), 1(B), 3(A), 1(B), 1(F), 1(B). Go into the next (C) in the group of 5(C).


15.   Pick up 1(B), 1(F), 1(B), 3(A), 1(B), 1(F), 1(B), go back into the middle (C), and then up into the (B) from group added in step 14.


16.   Go down into the corresponding (B) from the second group and back up into the (B) from the first group, effectively joining the two (B)s together using square stitch. Step up so that your thread is exiting from the (F).  (I know the photo looks like the thread is coming from the (B), but it should definitely be coming from the (F)).


17.   Pick up 3(D), go down the opposite 1(F), 1(B), and then back up through the 1(B), 1(F), 1(B), 2(A).


18.  Pick up 3(A), go through the middle (A) on the opposite side, back through the 3(A) you just  added and back through the (A) you started from in this step. GO through (A), 1(B), 1(F), 1(B). Join the two (B) beads together using square stitch as we did on the front side of the bail in step 16, and then step up so that your thread is exiting from 1(F), pointing away from the pendant.


19.   Pick up 3(D), go down through the 1(F) on the opposite side.


20.   You can reinforce the thread path of the bail and where it joins to the pendant if you feel your connection could do with strengthening. Weave in, tie off and trim your thread ends and add a chain to the bail.


21.   If you struggle to get your chain through the bail, try threading some beading thread through the chain end and then pulling this through the bail – it should help encourage your chain to go through.



I still can’t figure out which side of the pendant I prefer – especially on the purple version!


Bead colours used in my examples






Size 11 seed bead

Miyuki 5115

Miyuki 4220


Size 11 seed bead

Miyuki 538

Miyuki 1072L


Size 15 seed bead

Miyuki 4201

Miyuki 4220


Size 15 seed bead

Miyuki 1899

Miyuki 462



Purple velvet / small target etched

Rainbow gold


3mm fire polish beads

Metallic turquoise

Crystal gold


4mm fire polish beads

Metallic dark purple

Etched slipperit


Edging beads

3mm Swarovski bicones, Crystal iridescent green

True2 2mm firepolish 24k gold AB


Sunday 26 May 2024

Square Dance

The right angle weave family of stitches are without a doubt, my favourite family of stitches to work with. There is such variety possible; it can be both fluid and have wonderful draping properties, or really structural. 

The pattern I'm sharing with you today uses double right angle weave and cubic double right angle weave. "Regular" right angle weave (I'll call it RAW from here on in) is made from groups of four beads, but double right angle weave (DRAW) each group of four beads is surrounded by another group of four beads, which join the units together. 

If you enjoy this pattern, the next one I'm going to share is a bracelet which takes this a little further.

When I first made these earrings, a few years ago now, they got so much attention from my beading friends that I was asked for a tutorial. This tutorial was initially published in Bead and Jewellery Magazine issue 118. 

If this much sparkle isn't your thing, you can replace the crystals with pearls - there's an example of this at the end. 

What you'll need to make this:

Quantities are given first for earrings, then for necklace

A. Size 11 seed beads (2g, 3g)
B. Size 11 seed beads (1g, 2g)
C. Size 11 seed beads (1g, 2g)
D. 4mm Preciosa bicones (18, 24)
Findings - for earrings, 2x wire guardians 2x ear wires
Findings - for necklace, chain of desired length, clasp, 2 x jump rings

Anything else? 

Fireline (I use 0.10mm)
Size 12 beading needle (I use Miyuki brand)
Bead mat
Scissors or thread zap
Pliers for opening and closing jump rings and ear wires

Follow steps 1-17 to make the components, then to turn the components int earrings, follow steps 18-29. To turn them into a necklace, follow steps 20-23.  

1.     On an arm-span length of thread, pick up 4(A), leave a 4-5 inch tail thread, go through all 4 beads again and then through the first bead once more.


2.     Pick up 1(B), go through the next (A). Repeat this 3 more times, adding a total of 4(B). Step up by going through the first (B) added this step.

3.     Pick up 4(A) and go through the first (A) added.


4.     Pick up 1(B), go through the next (A), repeat 2 more times, adding a total of 3 (B) in this step. Step up by working through your beadwork to exit from the second (B) added in this step.

5.     Repeat steps 3 and 4 but this time step up to a (B) on the side of your beadwork to start a new row.

6.     Pick up 4(A), go through the (B) and the first (A) again to form a ring. Pick up 1(B), go through the next (A), repeat two more times (total of 3(A) added). To step up, go through all the beads in this DRAW unit again until you are exiting the 3rd (B) added in this step.

7.     Pick up 4(A), go through the (B) and the first (A) again to form a ring. Pick up 1(B), go through the next (A), repeat this (total of 2(A) added). Go though the (B) from the side of the DRAW unit in the previous row and then through the next (A) from the current DRAW unit. This will link the two rows together. To step up, go through all the beads in this DRAW unit again until you are exiting the 2nd (B) added in this step.

8.     Pick up 4(A), go through the (B) and the first (A) again to form a ring. Go though the (B) from the side of the DRAW unit in the previous row and the next (A) from the current DRAW unit. This will link the two rows together. Pick up 1(B), go through the next (A), repeat this (total of 2(A) added). To step up, go through all the beads in this DRAW unit again until you are exiting the 2nd (B) added in this step.

9.     Repeat steps 6, 7 and 8 to add a third row of DRAW to create a 3x3 square and step up to exit one of the (B) beads surrounding the middle group of (A) beads.

10.  This step is going to create a double cubic right angle weave (DCRAW)unit in the centre of the DRAW square. Pick up 4(C) go through the (B) and the next (C) to form a ring. Pick up 1(B), go though the next (C). Do this for a total of three times. To step up, go through the (B) in the base, one of the (A) beads in the centre and the next (B)  around.

11.  Pick up 4(C), go through the (B) and the first (C) again to form a ring. Pick up 1(B) and go through the next (C), twice. Go though the (B) from the side of the previous  ‘wall’ of the DCRAW unit, and then the final (C) bead. To step up, go through the (B) in the base, one of the (A) beads in the centre and the next (B)  around.

12.  Repeat step 11 to build the third wall.

13.  Pick up 4(C), go through the (B) and the first (C) again to form a ring. Go through the side (B) of the first wall and the next (C). Pick up 1(B) and go though the next (C). Go through the side (B) of the third wall and the next (C). To step up, work your thread through this unit so it is exiting from the (B) at the top of this wall.

14.  Pick up 4(C), go through 1(B) and the first (C) to form a ring. We will now link the (C) beads to the top of the DCRAW unit. Go though the next (B) on the top edge of the next wall, go through the next (C) bead in the top ring. Repeat twice more until all walls are joined.

15.  Work your way through to one of the side (B) beads on the edge of the DCRAW units, this is where you will start the crystal embellishment.

16.  Pick up 1(D), go though 1(B), 1(A), 1(B), pick up 1(D) and go back through the (B) your thread was exiting from at the start of this step. Step up by working your thread around the DCRAW unit to exit from the (B) on the next corner.

17.  Repeat step 16 to add 2(D) beads on each corner. After adding (D) beads to the last corner, step up by working through the DCRAW unit and through the first (D) bead added in step 16, and out through the (B) bead on the corner. 

18.  Pick up 1(A), 1(B), 1(D), 1(A). Go through the wire guardian, pick up 1(A), g back down through 1(D), 1(B), pick up 1(A) and go down through the (B) on the other corner. Weave in, tie off and cut your thread ends.

19.  Make a second square dance component and add earwires.

20.  The connectors for the necklace are made as follows: Pick up 1(C), 1(B), 1(A), 1(B), 1(C) and go down through the other (B) bead on the corner. Weave through 3(A) beads on the back of the component, then go up through 1(B), 1(C), 1(B) – skip the (A) bead in the centre of the picot – the go back down through 1(B), 1(C), 1(B).

21.  Weave through to the opposite corner and repeat step 20. Create two Square Dance units with connectors on opposite corners

22.  For the third necklace component make a square dance component and add connecters on two adjacent corners.

23.  Link the components together using jump rings. Complete the necklace with  lengths of chain and a clasp. 

I've had a real play with this pattern over the years, you can make a necklace with more than three components, or join them with beadwork rather than jump rings. Likewise, you can have a play about with the beads which you use to embellish the units. In these examples, I've used 4mm firepolish crystals and 4mm pearls. The example with pearls, I've used DRAW to make a beaded chain, rather than adding a metal chain. 

As always, I'd love to see what you make using my designs, please tag me on Facebook or Instagram @BeadsByBecs.