
Friday 9 September 2011

Confessions of a craft widow!

My wonderful boyfriend has written a piece for my blog... this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me, so please read it, and Tim and I would love to hear your feedback, whether you are a crafter like me, or a craft widow like Tim!

Confessions of a Craft Widow!
I thought I would write a quick blog message for all you creative types from the perspective of your partners, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, other halves, bits on the side, significant others or whatever else we are known as! Or as I would call us: “Craft Widows!”
I am a typical bloke who works hard and likes his sleep, his food and his sport (not necessarily in that order)! I like to watch rugby, football, Formula 1 and can even stretch to watch golf or occasionally tennis!
Now when I first met Rebecca she said she liked to crochet, bead, create wire work and make a bit of jewellery. She said she even had her own website. I thought this was very “cool” and very impressive. I thought my colleagues at work and my friends and family would equally think this was very good!
When we started “dating”, Rebecca had told me she had done the occasion fair or party event to sell her jewellery. This too I thought was very “cool”! Since we have now been together for coming up to ten months Rebecca has done miraculous things. She has sold bits of her creations in a shop she has taken over for a day, sold things in a small art centre, held a jewellery party at her old flat, bought a table and a gazebo to sell things outside… and she has! She has created load more necklaces, bracelets, rings, ear rings, cuddly toys and much more besides.
Rebecca has set up her own Twitter account; she has re-branded her website, advertised on Facebook and Twitter. She has launched discount days and weeks, even made her own blog page and one of her designs has appeared in a magazine! Rebecca has done far much more than I can ever write here and I am sure I have missed so much but it is truly incredible.
Now I have tried to crochet and slowly trying to bead but the more I do, the more I realise how amazing Rebecca is at fitting in all that she has achieved in the last (coming up for) ten months! This and she fits in a full time job (as do myself)! I tell my colleagues, friends and family about all that Rebecca is doing and they ask me how she fits it all in.
I started off this blog to moan about how much it takes up of Rebecca’s time and she has no time for me. However when I have come to writing it all down I am utterly amazed that she does seem to have loads of time for me still. I love going to her house on Friday nights after work and seeing what creations she has made that week. Rebecca even fits in coming to see me one evening a week!
My colleges, friends and family ask me what it is like being a “Craft Widow” and as much as I think it would be “cool” to moan about how she never has time for me … Rebecca always does! Plus with the amount of wirework she does and has done makes her hands very strong. This is ideal for a strong massage after a stressful week. People ask me what it is like and I have to say: “I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Rebecca is amazing and incredible and I would be honoured if she would put this on her blog!


  1. That's fab, Tim, you're incredibly supportive and loving about Becs' time spent creating, I'm impressed!!! And you are SO right, she's accomplished so much already! (I only say already because I've been beading for 20 years or so and it seems like she just started a bit ago relatively...) :D

  2. I love how supportive you are. Her creations really are amazing. You must be a great guy to recognize her talents :)

  3. Thanks ladies... Tim IS incredible! It is such a bonus to have a boyfriend who appreciates my creativity, and one who is even willing to try things out. Nancy, I've been beading for 4 years, and it's all been self-taught from books etc, I've never had a beading 'lesson' in my life!

    Tim, you're amazing... I love you! xx
